Still on the Fence? Why Now is the Best Time to Go Solar

With the advancement of technology, it has grown in accordance to standardize solar energy as a viable energy source to power Northern Virginia homes and businesses. There has been no better time than now to make the switch and go solar. Time is running out, so consider having Loudoun County business solar panels installed to receive the many benefits going solar has to offer you. Our team at Prospect Solar cares about making the world more sustainable by educating individuals about solar energy and how solar panels can give you an advantage this year. If you are still unsure of whether to go solar, below are some of the benefits you can receive with a fully-functional solar panel system.

More Savings & Lower Operation Costs

While the initial cost of switching to solar energy has deterred many people, the major advancements in solar panel technology has allowed it to be much more affordable. Solar panels are evaluated at the cost per watt, and on average, a large solar panel system costs about three to four dollars per watt as this does vary on your location as well. Not only will you save more by going solar this year you may qualify for the Federal Solar Tax Investment Credit (ITC) and be exempt or partially exempt from property taxes.

Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit Advantage

The biggest benefit in switching to solar energy in 2019 is the beneficial tax breaks you can receive. In 2019, the percentage you may receive is up to 30% of the total cost on your solar energy system. If you are interested in adding solar panels to your home or business, 2019 is a great year to make the change. Due to a change in legislation in the following year of 2020, you may only be able to receive a 26% tax credit on your properties with going solar. This is why it is recommended that you take full advantage of the ITC and switch to solar energy this year.

Increase Economic Growth & Local Jobs

Making the switch to solar energy this year will further prove how the ITC can streamline sustainability and clean energy, which will also increase the economy’s growth and local jobs. Going solar and making a choice to maintain a green environment at your home or business will not only benefit you and your home in the long run but everyone and our environment as well.  

Take Advantage of Business Solar Panels in Loudoun VA

The combination of a large tax break and the lowest installation costs, there has been no better time to install solar panels in your home or business. If you are a homeowner or business considering to go solar this year, choose Prospect Solar to have your business solar panels installed in Loudoun, VA. You can trust our team to develop the best solar panel system customized to your home or business’ needs.  

Contact us today at (703) 444-2447 and let us help you save more on your next energy bill with a solar panel system!

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