Why Solar Panels Can Actually Look Great

Picture a solar panel. Do you picture a large, square chunk of equipment jutting up awkwardly from a rooftop? You’re not alone, this is a common depiction for many people. Despite solar panels’ amazing economic and environmental benefits, a big reason some people hesitate or even refuse to make the switch to solar is the fear that solar panels will look bulky and unattractive on their roof. Sure, they have a right to live in the most beautiful home possible, but it’s important for more people to understand that solar panels can be very visually appealing.

solar panel installation, Prospect Solar

Even though the perceived attractiveness of solar panels is largely subjective, solar panel arrays aren’t necessarily the eyesore many people believe them to be. Here are a few reasons to retire that old belief that solar panels are unattractive and to finally schedule your solar panel installation:

Improved Designs

Just as the technology and engineering of solar panels has increased over the years, so too has the designs. Solar panel engineers are aware that the aesthetics of a solar panel are a big concern for consumers, and have taken this in mind when building new solar panel models. Solar panels have become thinner and sleeker for a more modern and less bulky appearance. Different types or models of solar panels have been created to serve different functional and aesthetic purposes.  Monocrystalline silicon solar panels, for example, are an attractive option with their rectangular shape, thin appearance, and uniform color.

A Unique Look

Some homeowners don’t want to have a home that looks like every other house on the block. They’re tired of white picket fences, brick siding, and manicured lawns. They want something new to help their home stand out, especially if they’re looking to sell. Solar panels add an attractive and unique element to your roof that can really boost your home’s exterior appearance. Many panels’ sleek, shiny, modern design can create a unique and stunning contrast to a Colonial home or a gorgeous complement to a modern home.

Prospect Solar: Helping You Choose Beautiful Solar Panels in Northern Virginia

At Prospect Solar, we are dedicated to educating others about the incredible benefits of solar panels for your home and the earth, but we understand the desire to have your panels look great, too! We can help you decide which type of solar panel may work best for your home to maximize energy output as well as pick a design that will complement your home’s beauty. We have been providing residential solar panel installation in Northern Virginia and the surrounding areas since 2010.

To learn more about our solar panel installation services, contact us today at (703) 444-2447!

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